Jesus. Others. You.
Mezzo Soprano
송영랑 Youngrang Song
Upon her graduation from Yonsei University with a bachelor’s degree in voice, she attended the famed San Francisco Conservatory of Music where she received a master’s degree in voice. She was chosen for the main role of Carmen in the San Francisco Opera Guild’s production of Carmen, and received first place in the Bay Area Opera League's competition. Additionally, she was selected for coveted positions in masterclasses with Cynthia Hoffman and Elena Obraztsova. She has been featured in main roles for operas Carmen, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Martha, Le nozze di Figaro, Cosi Fan Tutte, Lakme, Samson et Dalila, and more. Throughout this time, she has frequently performed as a soloist and alongside various musical groups upon invitation in the Bay Area.
As a vocal coach teaching students and groups in the Bay Area, she continues her work as the choir director at the Berkeley Korean United Methodist Church and the music director of the JOY Concert.
정다혜 Dahye Jung
M.T.S. Pacitic School of Religion, Berkelev, CA, USA, 18
M.Div. Presbyterian University and Theological Seminary (PUTS). Seoul. S.Korea. "14
B.A. Voice in Church Music. PUTS. "10
Performed Spring Concert '08 and Freshman Concert '05 at PUTS.
Won a prize at PUTS church music
competition '04.
박세례 Serye Park
UX Designer, SAP
B.F.A, Web Design & New Media, San Francisco, CA, '21
B.A, Voice, ChuGye University, Seoul, Korea, '07
Merit Scholaship in ChuGye University of Arts (The Academic year of 2005)
3rd Prize in SungShin Women's University Voice Competition (2004)
1st Prize in Korea/US Vocal A Classic National Competition(2004)
배정윤 Jungyoon Bae
Yewon School, Seoul Arts High School
Yonsei University Bachelor of Music -Violin Solo
Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln(Cologne) Master of Music-Violine Solo and Kammermusik in Germany
Graz Kunstuniversität (Postgraduate Violine Solo) in Austria
Tutti Violin Internship at Bergische Symphoniker, Duisburger Philharmoniker(Deutsche Oper am Rhein) in Germany.
participated as a Violinist at Summit Music Festival in New york, Kronberg Academy, Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival, Landesmusikakademie Sonderhausen in Germany, Académie de Musique Tibor Vargar in Switzerland.
2nd Sub-Principal Violinist at Goyang Philharmonic Orchestra(Newseoul Philharmonic), Member of Yonsei Sinfonietta,
Fellowship at Incheon Arts High School
최하늘 Haneul Choi
Haneul Choi has received her B.M. in Organ at Presbyterian University and Theological Seminary(PUTS).
She has served as a piano accompanist at Saemoonan Underwood Memorial Korean Church Music Educational Institude from 2009 to 2011. After finishing her B.M. at PUTS, she had worked as organist at Yoido Full Gaspel Church from 2010 to 2015, and as Director of Joyful Piano Academy from 2013 to 2015.
After coming to the United States, She was a piano accompanist in the Boston Hope Church from 2016 to 2017,
She is now a piano accompanist at Light of Grace Korean Church in Martinez.
맹다흰 Daheen Maeng
Designer + Project Manager, San Bruno Recreation and Aquatics Center (Under Construction)
Group 4 Architecture Research + Planning, Inc. (2015-2021)
California College of the Arts Merit Scholarship (2009-2015)
B.Arch, Architecture, California College of the Arts, San Francisco, CA, ‘15
Worship Movement
구교영 Kyoyoung Koo
Learning dance as a hobby since high school, he continues to explore the intersection between movement and worship.
Product Manager, PolySign Inc.
B.S. Business Administration, University of California, Berkeley, Haas School of Business, ‘18
Director, Alter Society (Christian Dance Group in San Francisco), (2019-2020)
Artistic Director, Abba Modern (Christian Dance Group in UC Berkeley), (2017-2018)
Joy Praise Team
Leader. 권조셉
Keyboard. 임성호
Drum. 이명걸
Guitar. 조신영
Bass. 박홍규

조이콘서트를 통해 여러분이 해 주시는 모든 헌금은
전액 네팔에 있는 예수 문화 학교에 전달됩니다.
All of the proceeds from the JOY Concert go directly into supporting Jesus Culture School in Nepal.
Jesus. Others. You.
Stage 1
----------- JOY Praise Team
1. 주의 아름다운 성소에서( In His Sanctuary ) by 양민호
2. 주께 돌아가는 길( Road Back to Jesus ) by 최요한
3. 주님 계시네( The Days I Lived ) by 박찬민
Stage 2
4. 백만송이 장미( A Million Roses ) arr. by Hoppipolla - 구교영
5. 내 영혼아 주 함께 계시니( Be Still My Soul ) by J. Sibelius -
Sop. 박세례, 정다혜
Mezzo Sop. 송영랑
Violin 배정윤
Cello 맹다흰
Piano 최하늘
6. 내 길 더 잘 아시니( You Know Better than I ) by J. Bucchino - 박세례
7. 날 세우시네( You Raise Me Up ) by R. Løvland -
Violin 배정윤
Cello 맹다흰
Piano 최하늘
8. 담대하라( Take Courage ) by 손경민 - 정다혜
9. 사명( The Calling ) by 이권희 - 배정윤
10. 여호와는 나의 목자시니( The Lord is My Shepherd ) by 나운영 - 송영랑 & 구교영
Stage 3
----------- JOY Praise Team
11. 오직 주로 인해( Because of Who You are ) by M. Munizzi
12. 예수 우리들의 밝은 빛( The Lord is Our Sun) by T. Nagasawa
13. 임마누엘( Emmanuel ) by 임선호 & 온 땅과 만민들아
( Let All the Earth Hear His Voice ) by G. Kendrick